If you use Xenify swap features, pay the small fee you can earn daily $veXNF, that can earn you passive $ETH or $BNB depending on the chain you swap from ( $ARB or $BSC). As well as position yourself for Layer-Zero's confirmed airdrop in mid 2024. Xenify uses Layerzero tech as the default for its meta aggregator of aggregators accessing 54 chains including BTC using 28 different aggregators to get you the best route, low on chain txn fees & max returns on your swap all while ensuring you don't over pay. Check them out, it's my new narrative sniping tool!
Good list. Plus I think SkyTrade is also a project worth keeping an eye on.
If you use Xenify swap features, pay the small fee you can earn daily $veXNF, that can earn you passive $ETH or $BNB depending on the chain you swap from ( $ARB or $BSC). As well as position yourself for Layer-Zero's confirmed airdrop in mid 2024. Xenify uses Layerzero tech as the default for its meta aggregator of aggregators accessing 54 chains including BTC using 28 different aggregators to get you the best route, low on chain txn fees & max returns on your swap all while ensuring you don't over pay. Check them out, it's my new narrative sniping tool!
Good ones. There's also Ambient finance that i like. LP on Skroll to get double airdrop
Yeah, will keep an eye on them as well.